First Small Group Meeting Tonight!

by Candace

When we moved to Little Rock, we planned to take a year to adjust and get to know our place and neighbors. Then, we would start a small group for anyone in the area interested in Christian community.

Today is the day we start that group! We will be hosting the group in our home. We’ll provide childcare from 4:30 to 6 pm while the adults have some time for centering, prayer, and sharing. At 6 pm, kids and adults will come together for a simple meal (baked potatoes, with toppings brought by our guests).

This is a new thing! A new day! Josh and I have been part of small groups for most of our nearly 14 years of marriage, and we’ve led and hosted small groups for many of those years. In a way, this is what we do best. But, really, it’s what feels like home and church and real life to us.

We’re excited to have people that we check in with every week. We’ve missed that. We’re hopeful that this small beginning is like a seed planted in good soil and that it will grow into something more.

We ask for your prayers. And, we invite you to join us, if you live in the area. Here we go!

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